Animal Bites

There are about 90 million dogs living in almost 50% of U.S. households, according to the American Veterinary Medical Association. That’s an average of about one dog per household.
Many of us like to think our dog would never bite, but roughly every 40 seconds someone in the U.S. seeks medical attention for a dog bite. And sadly, most of the victims are children. In fact, dog bites are the second most common reason kids end up in the emergency room.
In 2023, Illinois was ranked the #8 state in the U.S. in terms of estimated number and cost of dog bite claims, according to the Insurance Information Institute. And due to that ranking, insurance companies paid more than $61.8 million for 837 dog-related injuries in Illinois. The average claim payout in 2023 was over double the average payout from just 2018. And keep in mind, not every dog owner is insured.
Dogs bite for a variety of reasons, but most often it's a reaction to something. Sometimes the dog is startled, other times the dog might be provoked in some way. They can also feel threatened, territorial or protective.
Whether you or a loved one is injured by a dog bite or deep scratch, or some other injury which would not have happened but for a dog's actions, Gurian Law is here to help.