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Practice Areas

Gurian Law represents injured clients in vehicle accidents ranging from bicycle and car wrecks to Uber/Lyft passenger and truck crashes, as well as other types of accidents like animal bites and medical malpractice wrongful death cases.


Our network of attorneys have the experience you need to WIN and get the money you deserve.


So stop worryin', call GURIAN.

Car Accidents

Were you in a car accident in Illinois? You may be entitled to compensation from the driver who hit you, whether they like it or not. Our attorneys are skilled in recovering damages for our clients no matter how difficult the case.

If you were in a car accident that wasn't your fault, we want to talk to you. 


Motorcycle Accidents

Motorcycle injuries are common in Illinois. And not only are motorcycle riders less protected than other vehicle passengers but we do not have a universal helmet law in our state. Unfortunately, this can lead to much worse injuries and fatalities. If you or a loved one are injured in a motorcycle accident, please reach out to us for help. 


Truck & Train Accidents

In Illinois, most fatal crashes between trucks and other vehicles are due to improper lane use or when one of the drivers has fallen asleep or has been drinking. Surprisingly, many of these accidents also take place when the weather is clear and the road is dry. If you or a loved one were injured or killed by a truck in Illinois, don't hesitate to reach out to Gurian Law for help.


Slip & Fall Accidents

If you or someone you know slips, falls, and gets injured on someone else's property, be prepared for a fight with that property owner. The good news is, Gurian Law is prepared to handle your case. So stop worryin', call Gurian and let us give you a free consultation. 


Animal Bites

They say dogs are man's best friend, but if the dog's owner hasn't taught them to be friendly and safe many dogs can bite. And it can happen in a split second even if the dog has never bit before. Devastatingly, most dog bite injury victims are children and most of bites happen on the face. If you or your child have been bit by a dog, we want to help you. Please don't hesitate to reach out to us.


Wrongful Death & Medical Malpractice

Medical errors are the third leading cause of death in the country. That's a terrifying, but very real statistic. Gurian Law is not afraid to take on the medical establishment to fight for victims of medical malpractice. Please give us a call.


Trademarks & other Business Law Matters

Trademarks are source indicators for brands. Think Coca-Cola: you can easily recognize the name and the red and white logo, and know exactly how your drink will taste. Gurian Law started as trademark and other e-commerce business firm, such as contract drafting and negotiation, and we are still happy to handle these matters. Click read more to learn how we handle these cases a little differently than our other personal injury matters above.

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Stop worryin', call GURIAN

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